Monday Jan 03, 2022
Advent 4 (Recalibrating)
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone REGISTER Register for Church Indoors https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
The Passage Luke 1.39-45, (46-55)
The One Thing - Advent: Recalibrating
Growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 What does it mean for us to be spiritually recalibrated?
G1 How is “bringing people down” a sign of God’s mercy?
G2 Is this something we do or something God does?
G3 Do you think God works today in the same way He did with Nebuchadnezzar? Explain your answer. What lengths do you think God is willing to go to recalibrate you?
G4 God cares more about the line of your eternity than he does the dot of your now. Agree or disagree?
S1 Where do you think God is urging you to get “recalibrated”? Talk to Him about this.
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Repenting (Advent 3)
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone REGISTER Register for Church Indoors https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
The Passage Luke 3:7-18
The One Thing Advent: Repenting
Growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 How comfortable are you with the idea of liminal living? What does it mean for you to be living on the threshold of time and eternity?
G1 Are you excited by the idea of living on the threshold of time and eternity? Worried? Ambivalent?
G2 What did John mean by calling the crowd a "brood of vipers"?
G3 What do you think is meant by the "wrath to come" (v7)?
G4 Why is relying on fleeing (v7) or family (v8) insufficient to flee the "wrath to come"? Look at your own heart: are you trusting in either of these things to improve your standing with God?
G5 Why is "producing fruit in keeping with repentance" (v8) the only way to withstand the "wrath to come"? What does repentance mean and why is it so importance to the Christian worldview? Is repentance a one time deal or a continual reality in the life of the believer? Explain your answer.
G6 Isn't this emphasis on "fruit" another way of just talking about behaviour modification? How does Matthew 6:17-20 dispel this misunderstanding?
S1 This advent, which fruit are you not exhibiting (generosity, integrity or contentment)? Or perhaps it's something else that the Holy Spirit is showing you. Take time and pray these words of response found in v 10, 12 and 14: "What should I do?" Listen to what God tells you.
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Responding (Advent 2)
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone REGISTER Register for Church Indoors https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
The Passage Luke 3:1-6 (other passages Luke 1:68-79, Philippians 1:3-11, Malachi 3:1-4)
The One Thing Advent: Responding
Growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 Have you tried the new Timbiebs? What do you think? (don't know what that is? Google it😊!)
G1 How would you describe liminal / threshold living? In what way do you see it impacting your life?
G2 Read Luke 3:1-2 and list how many historical figures are mentioned? Why did John go to all this trouble to historically place John the Baptizer? Why is it important to your faith that Jesus is a King who is historical?
G3 Read Luke 3:6. “All people will see God’s salvation”. What do you think Isaiah meant by this (original quote is Isaiah 40:3-5) and do you think it will ever be fulfilled? If so, how? Why is it important to your faith that Jesus is a King who us universal?
G4 Read Luke 3:5-6. What are the preconditions to “all people [seeing] God’s salvation”? How is God calling you to prepare the way for Him? What is one way you can make straight paths in your life?
G5 Read Luke 1:77-79 (Zechariah’s song). In what way is this passage a powerful presentation of the impact of the gospel on someone’s life? What phrase speaks loudest to you?
S1 Advent is a time of preparation, often involving repentance. Malachi 3:2-3 describes Jesus as “the Lord you are seeking...whom you desire...”. Pour out your heart and tell King Jesus how you desire Him. The passage then goes on “But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears?” Remind yourself that the reason you can stand before God is because of King Jesus’ death and resurrection. Confess your sins and receive His forgiveness.
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Revealing (Advent 1)
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowerc... FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowerco... REGISTER Register for Church Indoors https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
Speakers - Rev Deborah Gilbert and Rev Miranda Valentini
The Passage - Luke 21:25-36
The One Thing - Advent 1 (Revealing)
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Death Match (Slavery vs Freedom) 2 (Galatians 5 and 6)
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone REGISTER Register for Church https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
The Passage
Gal 5.1-1-26
The One Thing
Death match: slavery vs freedom (part 2)
growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 What did God say to you through the teaching today?
G1 Why might chapter 5 be considered the central passage to the book of Galatians?
G2 Read Galatians 5 and highlight all the places where you see slavery defined or illustrated. Now do the same for freedom. What stands out to you from this exercise?
G3 Which form of slavery are do you lean towards: the slavery of legalism or the slavery of license? Why do you think this is?
G4 Read verse 4: what does it mean for a Christian to be “alienated from Christ” or to have “fallen away from grace”? Talk to Jesus about this.
G5 Verse 19 says that the “acts of the flesh are obvious”. Go slowly through the list in verse 19-21 and ask God to show which acts of the flesh you are prone to?
G6 How does “Loving your neighbour as yourself” (v14) fulfil the entire (Mosaic) law? What did Dan mean when he said that this as an impossible command? What then is our hope? (v16)?
S1 Each day this week, wake up and consciously ask for God’s strength to “walk in the Spirit” (v16) or “keep in step with the Spirit” (v25) that day.
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Death Match [Slavery vs Freedom] (Galatians 5.1-26)
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone REGISTER Register for Church https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
The Passage
Gal 5.1-1-26
The One Thing
Death match: slavery vs freedom
growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 What did God say to you through the teaching today?
G1 Why might chapter 5 be considered the central passage to the book of Galatians?
G2 Read Galatians 5 and highlight all the places where you see slavery defined or illustrated. Now do the same for freedom. What stands out to you from this exercise?
G3 Which form of slavery are do you lean towards: the slavery of legalism or the slavery of license? Why do you think this is?
G4 Read verse 4: what does it mean for a Christian to be “alienated from Christ” or to have “fallen away from grace”? Talk to Jesus about this.
G5 Verse 19 says that the “acts of the flesh are obvious”. Go slowly through the list in verse 19-21 and ask God to show which acts of the flesh you are prone to?
G6 How does “Loving your neighbour as yourself” (v14) fulfil the entire (Mosaic) law? What did Dan mean when he said that this as an impossible command? What then is our hope? (v16)?
S1 Each day this week, wake up and consciously ask for God’s strength to “walk in the Spirit” (v16) or “keep in step with the Spirit” (v25) that day.
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Grace or Karma (Galatians 4.21-31)
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone REGISTER Register for Church: https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
The Passage
Gal 4:21-31
The One Thing
Grace or Karma?
growgroup Discussion Starters
K1 What symbols do you not even have to think about to understand?
G1 In what was does the law of Karma echo the law of Moses?
G2 List some ways you see that our society today is based on Karma?
G3 Why is the law of Karma so alluring?
G4 Think of one situation in which you need to choose to submit to the law of grace instead of pursuing karma.
S1 Take time to pray to God and thank Him His grace, and confess any tendency you have towards karma
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
God adopts you knowing full well who you are (Galatians 4.1-20)
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone REGISTER Register for Church: https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
The Passage
Gal 4.1-20
The One Thing
God adopts you knowing full well who you are
K1 What has most excited you in this Bible section?
G1 What was your life like before you knew God, and how is it different now that you do know Him?
G2 When are you most in danger of living as a slave, not a child of God?
G3 When have you experience God going out of His way to show His love for you?
G4 Why is it so important, not just that you know God but that HE knows you?
G5 If you were a character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, what would your name be and what would be your biggest weakness / sin?
S1 As you open your house to “trick or treaters” this evening, or as you go out yourself, pray for the people who live in the houses you go to that they made know the wonder of being adopted by God.
Monday Oct 25, 2021
The Reason and the Season for the Law (Galatians 3:15-29)
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone REGISTER Register for Church: https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
The Passage
Gal 3:15-29
The One Thing
The Reason and the Season for the Law
growgroup Discussion Starters
Most questions taken from the Christ-Centred Exposition Commentary
K1 What stood out to you from Sunday’s teaching?
G1 Why is it important for Christians to study the Old Testament? What are some of the dangers of ignoring the Old Testament?
G2 How does the law help us see our sin? How does the law prepare us for grace?
G3 How does the Mosaic covenant complement the Abrahamic covenant?
G4 In your own words, explain what it means that Jesus fulfilled the law of Moses.
G5 How does God’s promise in the Abrahamic covenant to bless all nations relate to Jesus?
G6 How might Jesus’ relationship to these covenants affect the way you read the Old Testament?
S1 How can you specifically thank God this week for both the Abrahamic and the Mosaic covenants (perhaps use some phrases from Galatians 3 to help you word this prayer)?
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Faith from start to finish (Galatians 3.1-22)
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone REGISTER Register for Church Indoors https://rsvp.church/r/Rn0fE6xV
The Passage: Galatians 3:1-22
The One Thing: Faith from start to finish
Speaker: Dan Wallis
Discussion Questions
K1 What did God say to you through today’s sermon?
G1 Gal 3:1 Paul’s tone is very strong: “You foolish Galatians!” What do you think Paul was hoping to achieve by use of this strong language? How do you think his words would have been received?
G2 What is the role of the Holy Spirit in salvation and Christian living?
G3 Why did Paul use Abraham in his argument for salvation by grace through faith?
G4 Why is legalism appealing?
G5 What are some customs of your Christian culture that need not be imposed on new converts?
S1 Have you reached the point where you are no longer trying to change yourself but relying on God’s grace to change you? Explain why or why not
Cornerstone Church
We are a community of Jesus-followers who gather in North Gower, located in the national capital region of Canada. Hope drives us, grace has changed us. As followers of Jesus Christ we want to share God’s extravagant love with you. Together we will explore what it means to be made new.