Thursday Dec 29, 2022
20221224 | CHRISTMAS | Encountering Emmanuel | Let God Wrap You In Comfort and Joy
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ The Passage: Luke 2:4-10, 2 Cor 1:3-4, Matt 1:23, The One Thing: Let God Wrap You In Comfort and Joy Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 When you’re sleeping, do you like your sheets tucked in tight, or laying loosely over you? Grow G1 What quilt do you need wrapped around you this Christmas? One of comfort or one of joy? G2 How did Jesus bring ‘comfort’ and ‘joy’ that first Christmas time? G3 How can God bring comfort or joy to you? G4 Why doesn’t God just remove us from all painful or hard situations that require comfort in the first place? Why doesn’t he place us in a pain-free / trouble-free existence? G5 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 | How can you be God’s quilt of comfort or joy to something this Christmas season? Show S1 Why not find a quilt (or a warm blanket will do). Wrap it around you and sit in a comfortable chair with a coffee or hot chocolate. Receive this as a sign of Jesus’ presence with you in. Tell him what’s on your mind, then listen to Him in the silence.
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
20221218 ADVENT Encountering Emmanuel - Follow the Sign
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowerc... FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowerco... The Passage: Follow the sign The One Thing: Isaiah 7:10-16, Matthew 1:18-25 Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 Have you ever asked God for a sign? Or interpreted something as a sign from God? What was it? Grow G1 Isaiah 7:10 | God offered a sign (any sign) to Ahaz to show he could trust God. Why do you think Ahaz refused? G2 Isaiah 7:16-17 | Ahaz made a harmful alliance with Assyria to help Judah out of a difficult situation. What kind of unhelpful / harmful alliances do we tend to make that we think will help, but only end up making our situations worse? G3 How might things have turned out differently in Isaiah 7 if Ahaz HAD taken up God on His offer for a sign of His love and presence? G4 How does knowing the background of Isaiah 7:14 help us understand Matthew 1:23? In what way is Jesus a sign of hope to us? G5 What does it mean to you this Advent that Jesus is Emmanuel: “God with us”? G6 Can you think of any ways in which you’ve created “unholy / harmful alliances” in order to cope? Get alone with God, ask for His forgiveness and reaffirm your trust in Jesus. Show S1 If you are in the middle of a tough circumstance, and are struggling to believe that God is with you, why not ask Him for a sign of His love for you? And then keep your eyes open for an answer to this prayer.
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ The Passage: James 5:7-11 The One Thing: Do some spiritual cardio Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 Think of pop culture (movies, music etc). How does today’s society define the word “heart”? Grow G1 James 5:8 | Read this week’s verse: You also must be patient. Strengthen your hearts, because the Lord’s coming is near. What word stands out to you the most in this verse? Why? G2 For James’ readers, this verse had to wait 20 years for “the Lord’s coming” (AD 70, when the Romans sacked Jerusalem). How is knowing the historical context of this verse helpful to us reading the verse today? G3 James 5:10-11 | How are the prophets an example to us in patience and waiting? What about Job? G4 James 5:8 | Why is it important that we strengthen our hearts in community and not just in isolation? Why is it tempting to try to “go it alone”? What do we miss out on when we don’t seek out spiritual community? G5 According to the Bible, the heart is not just the emotions. The NIV Word Study Dictionary says this: “The heart was thought to be the seat of the inner self (composed of life, soul, mind, and spirit). “Heart” is similar in meaning to “soul,” but often the “heart” has a focus on thinking and understanding”. How does this definition help you understand your own heart? G6 A good person produces good out of the good stored up in his heart. An evil person produces evil out of the evil stored up in his heart, for his mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart. Luke 6:45 (CSB) What is coming out of your life at the moment? What does this say about your heart? Show S1 Do a heart check. How is your heart? What can you do before Christmas to do some cardio (spend 5 minutes in silence? Take a friend out for coffee? Other ideas?)
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ The Passage: Isaiah 11.1-10 (Romans 15.4-13) The One Thing: Smelling great Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 Finish the sentence: “Wake up and smell the ______”. What’s your favourite Christmas aroma? What about your least favourite? Grow G1 If you had to go without one of your five sense (assuming you have all five) which would you give up? G2 Isaiah 11:2 | What do you make of the pairings of “Spirits” listed in this verse? How is the image of a Menorah helpful in understanding this verse? Where else in scripture might we see this “Sevenfold Spirit”? G3 Isaiah 11:3 | Dan said that the “Fear of the Lord” is the foundation of the other “Spirits”. Give it a go and try to explain “the fear of the Lord”. Why is it so important? (see end of verse 2 and start of verse 3) G4 Isaiah 11:4 | Dan explained that both the word “Spirit” in verse 3 and the word “delight” (or “aroma”) in verse 4 are both the Hebrew word RUAH. Do you think this is intentional? If so, how might the word RUAH (Holy Spirit) overlap with the word RUAH (delight or smell)? What is God trying to say? G5 Imagine Jesus walks into a room that represents your life at right now? Is there a good smell or a bad smell? Show S1 What can you do to be Jesus’ favourite smell / aroma this Christmas?
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ The Passage: Romans 13:11-14, Isaiah 2:1-5 The One Thing: Encountering Emmanuel: Starting The Day Right.
K1 If you could wear one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would you wear?
G1 Why is starting the day right so important – emotionally, physically, spiritually?
G2 Think of your daily routine: does it help you start the day right or not? What would you / should you change?
Monday Dec 12, 2022
20221120 | Disciples are all about Jesus (Colossians 1:9-20)
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ The Passage: Colossians 1.9-20 The One Thing: Disciples are all about Jesus Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 What is your favourite worship song? Google the lyrics. Tell 1 or 2 things this song tells you about God? Grow G1 1:15 | “He is the image of the invisible God”. What does visible Jesus reveal to us about the invisible God? List attributes of Jesus, then apply these to the Father. G2 1:15-20 | Read out loud Colossians 1:15-20. As you are reading, loudly emphasize every “all” or “everything”. How many did you read? What does this tell us about Christ? G3 1:15-20 | How does the fact that this is an early church hymn change how you read this passage? G4 Why do you think Paul repeats the phrase FIRSTBORN in “firstborn over all creation” (1:15) and “firstborn from the dead” (1:18). What do you notice about the placement of these phrases in the structure and flow of the passage? (Hint: look for the words “For” and “through” and “all” in the next sentences after “firstborn”). G5 1:17 | Dan interpreted “by him all things hold together” literally – cosmology, gravity etc. How else do you see Christ literally “holding” the universe together? How else could “all things hold together” be interpreted? How has Christ held all things together in your experience? G6 1:20 | Why is the cross so important? What was accomplished on the cross according to this passage? Show S1 Listen to Curtis Behmann sing his version of Colossians 1:15-20. https://www.facebook.com/606339922/videos/10154737335729923/. What might God be saying to you through this? Does Christ have “first place in everything” in your life? If not, talk to Him about it.
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
20221113 | Disciples Know Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue (Isaiah 65.17-25)
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ The Passage: Isaiah 65.17-25 The One Thing: Disciples know everything sad is coming untrue Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 When it comes to your time, would you prefer your ceremony to be called a funeral or celebration of life? Why? Grow G1 Andrew Peterson wrote about the silence of God (youtu.be/2O1bNzlv7tg). Have you experienced the silence of God? Why don’t think God just arranges things so we can hear Him all the time? G2 Think about Jason Gray’s lyrics: “I believe everything sad is coming untrue In the hands of the one who is making all things new”. Where do you see this being lived out? And do you struggle with this lyric at all? G3 Which funeral are you most looking forward to: the funeral for death (20)? Fear (21-22)? Dissatisfaction / unfulfillment (22-23)? Cosmic silence / loneliness (24)? Evil and the dog-eat-dog world (25)? Share a one or two of your reasons why. G4 Verse 18 tells us that we will rejoice and be glad in God. Verse 19 shows that God will rejoice and be glad in us. Which of these ministers to your soul most powerfully? G5 Isaiah 65:17-19 | Think of how one way you could purposefully live your life as a practice “Celebration of (new) life”? G6 Isaiah 65: 20-25 | Prayerfully consider how you could perform a practice funeral for one of the 5 things mentioned in G4 this week. Show S1 Take a few minutes to listen to Jason Gray’s “Everything sad is coming untrue” youtu.be/CT3wBQoKhUs or Andrew Peterson’s “The Silence of God” youtu.be/2O1bNzlv7tg allow this to springboard you into a conversation with God.
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
20221030 Saints Pray the Heart of God Over Other Saints (Ephesians 1:11-23)
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone
The Passage: Ephesians 1:11-23 The One Thing: Saints pray God’s heart over other saints Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 What good does it do our souls to celebrate All Saints Day in the church calendar? (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Saints%27_Day) Grow G1 Who is your favourite “hero of the faith” or “saint” from church history? G2 1:17 | How might it change your prayer if you knew you were praying a prayer that the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) was already a HUGE fan of, and had even written themselves? G3 1:18 | What does it mean to have “the eyes of your hearts enlightened”? Why does Paul use such a poetic phrase? How does this intersect with the phrase “wisdom and revelation” in verse 17? G4 1:18 | What is the “glorious inheritance in the saints”? Is Paul referring to heaven after we die, or to something else? Use your imagination: what things could be included in this inheritance? G5 1:18 | Are you glad you’re sharing your inheritance with all the other saints? Why or why not? G6 1:19 | What is this “immeasurable greatness of power” to which we have access? Do you FEEL you have access to it? Why or why not? Do you think it matters if you feel it or not? Show S1 In your growgroups, go round the circle and have one person pray Ephesians 1:17-19 over the person to their right. Say their name and pray the words. Then the next person pray for the person to their right. Or if you’re reading this at home, start praying this prayer over fellow Christians in your life. People you love. People you respect. People who are going through a hard time. People who you struggle with. Pray it over them all. As you are praying this pray, do you notice a change?
Monday Oct 24, 2022
20221023 Disciples Detour to Justification (
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/
The Passage: Luke 18:9-14 The One Thing How Disciples Live: Disciples Detour To Justification Growgroup Discussion Starters
Know Discuss one of the following questions: K1 How was the experience of praying “God have mercy on me a sinner” in church on Sunday for you? K2 Think of a detour that you took that turned out to be a surprisingly great experience. Or instead share about a shortcut that you wish you hadn’t taken?
Grow G1 Luke 18:9 | Read Jesus’ introduction to this parable. What do you make of His pointed words? G2 Luke 18:10-12 | Why did Dan describe pride or self-justification as a SHORT-CUT to justification? G3 Luke 18:13 | In what was is humility a DETOUR to justification? G4 Luke 18:10-13 | Contrast the words or attitude of the tax collector with that of the Pharisee. What difference do you see? G5 Luke 18:14 | Consider the connections between God exalting you and you being justified? What do think that Jesus meant when he said “This one went DOWN TO HIS HOUSE justified?” G6 How would you describe justification to someone curious about the Christian faith? G7 When it comes being in a place of good standing with God, Dan said that PRIDE leads us to say “If I can just…”, whereas HUMILITY leads us to say “I just can’t…”. Which of these two phrases most reflects your heart or your story? Show S1 This week, start making “God have mercy on me a sinner” your heart prayer. Pray it whenever it comes to your mind. Pray it for every situation you are in, and for every need you have. Pray it over people you’re praying for. Pray it when you’re in the grocery line, or walking. As you continue praying this heart prayer, mark what changes you observe in your life.
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/
The Passage: Genesis 32:22-31
The One Thing: Disciples trust God to bless
Reflection questions: 01 Do you want the blessing of God? 02 If in fact you DO want to be blessed by God, do you feel that you need to wrestle it out of God? 03 Are you willing to trust God and His word on this matter?
Cornerstone Church
We are a community of Jesus-followers who gather in North Gower, located in the national capital region of Canada. Hope drives us, grace has changed us. As followers of Jesus Christ we want to share God’s extravagant love with you. Together we will explore what it means to be made new.