Wednesday May 24, 2023
20230514 EASTER Closer & Closer - One Stone At A Time
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowerc... FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowerco... LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow
To get the full experience of this Sunday of story and testimony, watch it on YouTube:https://youtu.be/pxtQQP0VmTc
Wednesday May 24, 2023
20230507 EASTER Closer & Closer - It’s Time To Grow Up
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowerc... FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowerco... LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow The Passage 1 Peter 2:2-10 The One Thing It’s time to grow up Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 What is your approach to reading the Bible at the moment; have you ever read through the Bible or tried a Bible reading plan? Grow G1 1 Peter 2:2 | Do you find the idea of reading your Bible being like breast-feeding inspirational or uncomfortable? What do you feel about the maternal / female side of God (Genesis 1:27, Proverbs 1:20–33; 8:1—9; 8:18, 35:12; Isaiah 42:14; Matthew 23:37)? G2 Dan talked about the danger of treating the Bible like a soother. What do you think he was trying to get at? What are the dangers of this? G3 What are the advantages or disadvantages of reading a physical Bible versus using a Bible app? Which do you prefer? Why? G4 1 Peter 2:4-5 | What does it mean that Jesus is a “living stone”? What is the difference between a “dead stone” and a “living stone”? G5 Which image do you find more powerful – the milk image of verse 2 or the building image of verses 4 and 5? How do these images complement each other? Challenge each other? G6 1 Peter 2:9-10 | Read the list of descriptions Peter gives to us. Which one do you like the best? Why did you choose this one? How do we know that this list is already ours, and not something we have to work towards? Show S1 If you don’t already have one, consider taking a Bible reading plan and give yourself the goal to complete it. There are some good ones here - https://www.esv.org/resources/reading.... Also consider getting yourself a pocket / personal sized Bible that you can take to work or school and see if it changes your day or sparks any conversations.
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow The Passage : John 10:1-10 The One Thing: Jesus is better than a Great Shepherd. He’s a Good Shepherd. Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 How did God speak to you in this Sunday’s teaching? |Grow G1 Jesus uses the image of a shepherd with sheep. Why did he use this particular image? G2 How do the two picture lessons of a shepherd and a gate complement each other in this parable? In what way does Jesus protect us (as a gate)? In what way does he provide for us as a shepherd? G3 John 10:9 | What might Jesus be getting at when he talks about “coming in and going out and finding pasture?” G4 Jesus is great (Col. 2:9-10). What does this mean? G5 Jesus is good (John 10:11). What does this mean? Discuss why both are important (great and good). What would it look like if Jesus was one without the other? G6 Dan talked about crashing (physically exhausted) after a few busy weeks. In your day to day life what symptoms indicate if you’re (a) following Jesus or (b) racing ahead and expecting him to catch up with you? G7 John 10:10 | Who are the thieves and robbers in your life? In other words, what is stealing, killing or destroying in your life? Show S1 Practice listening prayer with John 10:10: Asking Jesus what, in your life or practices or habits, right now, is stealing, killing and destroying you? Take time in quiet and listen to his answer. Write it down. Then ask him in what way does he want to replace these things with “abundant life”. Take time in quiet and listen to his answer. Write it down.
Tuesday May 02, 2023
20230423 EASTER Closer & Closer - Something Is Burning
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow Guest Speaker: Rev Darren DicksThe Passage: Luke 24:13-35 The One Thing: Something Is Burning Observation #1: Jesus is with us and at work for his purposes even if we cannot see it or recognize Him. Observation #2: In times of uncertainty we have to remember God is at work and we need to look to scripture for what it tells us about Jesus. Observation #3 In times of uncertainty we need to invite Jesus to walk with us - we need to invite him into our uncertainty and all aspects of our lives Observation #4 In difficult times and in good, we should not be alone, but in community Observation #5 In times of uncertainty we need to be the body of Jesus - the church - more than ever
Monday Apr 17, 2023
20230416 Closer & Closer - What God Does For Us (incl. Lectio Divina)
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow The Passage: 1 Peter 1:3-9 The One Thing: What God does for us LECTIO DIVINA | Sacred Reading DATE: 16 / 04 / 2023 PASSAGE: 1 Peter 1:3-9 5 STEPS Step 1 | Ready Step 2 | Read (Lectio) Step 3 | Reflect (Meditatio) Step 4 | Respond (Oratio) Step 5 | Rest (Contemplatio) Step 1 | Ready Breathe in and out to reach a place of internal quiet. Breath prayer: "Speak Lord | your servant is listening" Step 2 | Read (Lectio) During this reading we’re simply asking the question “what?”. “What do you want to say to me, God?”. And as the words are being slowly read, listen for a word or a phrase that might jump out from the page. Take this as God’s word to you. Then simply write this word or phrase down. Don’t analyze it. Simply write it down. Step 3 | Reflect (Meditatio) As the passage is read for a second time, now ask the question “why?”. We’re reflecting. Ask God why He has brought that verse or phrase to your attention. Again, you’re listening for God’s voice. Don’t force it. Don’t analyze it. Don’t overthink. Just wait on Him and allow Him to tell you why He has brought this word or phrase to your attention. Step 4 | Respond (Oratio) This is our chance, in the quietness of our hearts to “respond”. While the passage is being read, ask the question “What now?”. What is the step of faith that God is calling you into? As you hear from God, write down what you sense He is saying to you. “God, show me what I should do with the word or phrase that you have given me” Step 5 | Rest (Contemplatio) During this final reading allow yourself to rest. Enjoy the quiet and the stillness. You might want to occasionally simply whisper “thank you” to God for speaking to you. This period of resting can be as long as you want.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you. You are being guarded by God’s power through faith for a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. You rejoice in this, even though now for a short time, if necessary, you suffer grief in various trials so that the proven character of your faith—more valuable than gold which, though perishable, is refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Though you have not seen him, you love him; though not seeing him now, you believe in him, and you rejoice with inexpressible and glorious joy, because you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1:3-9 (CSB)For more information visit contemplative.org/contemplative-practice/lectio-divina/ or google “Lectio Divina”
Monday Apr 17, 2023
20230409 Closer & Closer - What Mary Did (Easter Sunday)
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow The Passage: John 20:1-18 The One Thing: What Mary did Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 What is your favourite part of the Easter Story? Grow G1 What about Mary Magdalene’s story grabs you? How do you relate to her? G2 Would you consider Mary to be a disciple of Jesus? Why or why not? G3 Imagine being Mary and hearing Jesus say your name. Who would you most like to hear say your name again? What emotions might Mary have been feeling at this moment? G4 The angels or Jesus could easily have shown themselves to Peter and John. Why did they choose to reveal themselves to Mary in particular? G5 What do you think about this idea that Mary didn’t recognize Jesus because he was in his resurrected body? G6 Jesus’ resurrected body could pass through walls and yet it still had the scars from the cross. It could perform many miracles and yet it still consumed food. What do these facts tell us about our future resurrected bodies? How are our resurrected bodies going to be (a) the same as or (b) different than our current bodies? Show S1 Why is it important do you think that the first “preacher” of the gospel of the resurrected Jesus was a former demon-possessed woman?
Monday Apr 03, 2023
20230402 LENT Boot Camp For The Soul - A Life-Giving Routine
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow The Passage: Psalm 118:19-29 The One Thing: A Life-Giving Routine Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 What kind of things are you best at remembering? What are you the worst at remembering? Grow G1 Psalm 118:24-25 | What do you make of the tension between these two verses? Do you think that society or culture today helps or hinders our ability to hold truths in tension? G2 Another word for tension is “paradox”. What is the difference between a paradox and a contradiction? If you’re not sure, google it. G3 Dan said that Psalm 118:19-29 is an architecture of prayer. What are the four components to this structure (it starts with “gates” in verse 20)? G4 Dan said that “The more unpredictable your life is, the more important it is that your connection to God is predictable. Boring even. I am a strong proponent of a boringly predictable connection to God. Not that God is boringly predictable. But your means of connecting TO God should be” What did he mean by this? Do you agree? G5 Dan talked at the end about using timers on his watch and a prayer bracelet / Anglican Rosary to help him remember to connect with God. If you want to know more about it, talk to Dan or watch this video: https://youtu.be/40bo4YBGDU4. What did you think about this idea of using prayer beads? G6 Why is an architecture of prayer so important, according to Dan? What architecture can you give your prayers (the A.C.T.S. prayer, the P.R.A.Y., the A.L.T.A.R. prayer?) To find out more, google “Acronym Prayers” for ideas? Show S1 If you want to find out more about the prayer bracelet or other ideas for praying, why not take Dan out for a coffee 😊
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
20230326 LENT Bootcamp For The Soul - Let Hope Come Alive
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow The Passage: Ezekiel 37:1-14 The One Thing: Let Hope Come Alive Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 Have you ever had a vision that you believe was from God? How does God primarily communicate to you or relate to you? Grow G1 Do you relate more to the prophet calling the dead bones to rise, or to the dead bones themselves? Share your thoughts. G2 Do you think its true that we everyone has a “skeleton in their closet”? G3 In what was is Lent a good time to engage with our skeletons / struggles? G4 Ezekiel 37:11 | The bones in the valley wasn’t just a vision or an analogy. It represented how the people of Israel actually felt at that moment. Why is a valley of bones a good picture for a nation who are in exile? G5 Ezekiel 37:11 | “Our bones are dried up, and our hope has perished; we are cut off”. How would translate these words to make sense nowadays? Do you think people are more hopeless now than ever, or less? What is the reason do you think? G6 What is the hope that the gospel / the Kingdom message of Jesus has to offer to the hopeless nowadays? Show S1 Think of a skeleton in your closet (by this, I mean a person you know who you might consider to be a “hopeless case” - it could even be you). Take some time to bring this person to God again and listen.
Monday Mar 20, 2023
20230319 LENT Bootcamp For The Soul - Get Your Eyes Checked
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow The Passage: 1 Samuel 16:1-13 (esp. v7); John 9:1-41 The One Thing: Get your eyes checked. |Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 1 Sam 16:7 | How can verse 17 be received as a comfort? A warning? Grow G1 Why is blindness so often used in the Bible as a picture for what’s in a person’s heart? G2 The Amsler grid is an objective measurement to measure your subjective vision against. How can the Bible act as an Amsler grid in the life of a Christian? G3 John 9:1-2 | How can a simplistic view of sin=sickness affect how we view each other? Have you ever judged anyone’s spiritual life based on their physical reality? Why are Jesus’ words in verse 3 helpful to us understanding this? G4 John 9:16 | Can our cultural or religious upbringing limit what we believe God can do (see Matthew 13:58)? Do you have any examples? G5 John 9:19-23 | What social pressure do you think the man’s parents might have been under in this moment? How would you have responded if you were them? G6 John 9 | Trace the blind man’s journey with Jesus. How did his knowledge increase? What led to the moment of his salvation? G7 John 9:34 | What was the cause of the Pharisees’ pride? Why were they so stubborn in ignoring this miracle of healing? What (if anything) could have convinced them? Show S1 How is your trust in Jesus? Can you bring your doubts to Jesus and still affirm him as your healer and saviour (John 9:25)? Take some time this week to reaffirm your belief in Jesus and worship him (John 9:35-38).
Monday Mar 20, 2023
20230312 LENT Bootcamp For The Soul - Get The Name Right
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Weekly live worship service from Cornerstone Church, North Gower (Ontario) FOLLOW US #northgowercornerstone WEBSITE https://www.knowgrowshow.ca/ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/northgowercornerstone/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/northgowercornerstone/ LINKTREE https://linktr.ee/knowgrowshow The Passage: Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95 The One Thing: Get the name right. Growgroup Discussion Starters Know K1 What do you need to learn from the lesson of the water? Grow G1 Dan had an epiphany on the loo. Have you ever had an epiphany in an unusual place? G2 When do you grumble, and why? What does it say about your view of, and faith in, God? How seriously do you take it? Exodus 17:1 ( taken from God's Word for You) G3 What do you make of the change of name of this place from “Rephidim” (Resting Place) to “Massah (Temptation) + Meribah (”Strife”)? Could it have gone differently? G4 Don’t present your requests to God through prayer and thanksgiving. Instead worry about everything (Philippians 4:6) What are your thoughts on the inverted Philippians 4:6? Does it change how you view the actual Phil 4:6? G5 To the casual observer , Moses’ crying out to God (17:4-5) might have resembled the people’s grumbling (17:2-3). What was the difference between them? G6 Think about the season of life you are in. What adjective / name would you give this season? What name would you like it to have? What will it take to make the change? G7 Dan had an epiphany on the loo. Have you ever had an epiphany in an unusual place? Show S1 Think about where you spend a lot of your time (work, family, school, church, sports etc). Are the people in that place complainers and grumblers? What could you do to change the atmosphere in this place.
Cornerstone Church
We are a community of Jesus-followers who gather in North Gower, located in the national capital region of Canada. Hope drives us, grace has changed us. As followers of Jesus Christ we want to share God’s extravagant love with you. Together we will explore what it means to be made new.